
Monday, December 23, 2019

Lebanese Food - الطعام اللبناني - Cuisine Libanaise - ливанская еда

يُعتبر المطبخ اللبناني جزءا من مطبخ بلاد الشام و أيضاً من المطابخ القديمة. يُمكن إرجاع العديد من أطباقه إلى آلاف السنين لعصر الحكم الروماني والفينيقي. في الفترة الأخيرة تأثر المطبخ اللبناني بالحضارات الأجنبية المختلفة التي احتلت السلطة هناك. فمن عام 1516 إلى عام 1918 سيطر الأتراك العثمانيون على لبنان وقدموا مجموعة متنوعة من الأطعمة التي أصبحت من الاطعمة الأساسية في النظام الغذائي اللبناني، مثل الطهي الحمل (خروف صغير). ثم بعد هزيمة العثمانيين في الحرب العالمية الأولى في الفترة(من 1914 إلى 1918)، سيطرت فرنسا على لبنان حتى عام 1943، عندما حققت لبنان استقلالها. قدم الفرنسيون هذه الأطعمة مثل الفان، حلوى الكراميل التي يعود تاريخها إلى القرن 16 الميلادى، وكرواسون.

ويعتبر البعض أن المطبخ اللبناني خليط من مطابخ عديدة وفدت إلى لبنان واستقرت بوتيرة متحركة وعبر حقب زمنية مختلفة وامتزجت بما كان عليه المطبخ اللبناني التقليدي بحيث صارت تعتبر جزءاً لا يتجزأ من هذا المطبخ. وقد أدى الانفتاح الثقافي الذي يميز عصرنا الحالي إلى إحداث بعض التحولات في المطبخ اللبناني إلا أنها لم تشمل المناطق اللبنانية كافة لا بالوتيرة نفسها ولا بالحجم نفسه. وكانت الأرياف أكثر ممانعة ومحافظة على التقاليد. ويسعى أخصائيو الطبخ اللبنانيون والمهتمون بالسياحة لتثبيت الخاصية الثقافية اللبنانية المتعلقة بالطبخ للمحافظة على هوية لبنان الثقافية من خلال تسجيل بعض أصناف المأكولات التي رافقت السُفرة اللبنانية منذ زمن بعيد، في موسوعة جينييس للأرقام القياسية على أنها مأكولات لبنانية.

و تساهم ايضا وسائل الإعلام في الحفاظ على هوية المطبخ اللبناني من خلال البرامج التلفزيونية الخاصة بالطبخ التي تبثها، وقد كان لها دور بارز في تثبيت الهوية المطبخية اللبنانية عند تسجيل لبنان الأرقام القياسية لأكبر صحن حمص وتبولة في موسوعة جينيس.

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Friday, December 13, 2019

Olive Oil Health Benefits

Delicious olives offer an amazing array of health benefits that humans have likely been enjoying for thousands of years. Historians note that olives were part of the diet for people as far back as 6,000 years ago in the early Bronze Age. Although the Mediterranean region is particularly note for their delectable olives and high-quality olive oil, olives also grow in regions of Portugal and the Middle East. There are many different varieties of olives, but the research is suggests that each variety offers spectacular health benefits. Whether you’re a fan of green olives or black olives or all the wonderful olive varieties that exist, you should add them to your weekly diet to obtain their many health benefits.


1. Good for Your Brain
With their brain-supportive antioxidants, olives provide support for strong cognitive function. Because your brain requires so much oxygen, it’s more prone to the development of free radicals than other parts of your body. Antioxidants neutralize these disease-causing free radicals to protect brain health. Additionally, olives contain vitamin K; a lack of vitamin K has been linked to diseases like Alzheimer’s. As if those benefits weren’t enough, there is research that suggests that olives can reduce the risk for depression. So, simply be eating olives, you could elevate your mood and protect your brain health at the same time.


2. Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
The antioxidants contained in olives has been shown to reduce pain by reducing inflammation. Inflammation is associated with many kinds of diseases that include conditions like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. Many people are concerned about taking pain medications in association with these conditions and are looking for reliable natural alternatives to cope with, at least, mild bouts of pain. Studies have shown that olives can reduce inflammation, so if you suffer from joint pain, for instance, you should give olives a try. There is a myriad of ways to introduce olives to your diet. You can slice them to top your pizzas or include them in casseroles.


3. Heart Health
By including heart-healthy foods in your diet that include monounsaturated fats, you can enhance heart health. According to research, the oleic acid (a monounsaturated fat) contained in olives can reduce conditions like atherosclerosis and plaque build-up in the arteries. This acid is also associated with lowering bad blood cholesterol. The phenolic compounds contained in olives have been shown to reduce the risk for blood clot development. So, to reduce your overall risk of heart disease and stroke, you should include more fiber-rich olives in your weekly diet to enjoy its heart-healthy benefits.


4. Cancer-Fighting Properties
Olives appear to have important cancer-fighting properties that include anthocyanins. These nutrients are associated with cancer prevention. Additionally, olives are rich in oleic acid, which has been shown to inhibit the growth of some types of breast cancers. The maslinic acid contains in olives appears to have the power to induce cellular apoptosis in colon cancer cells. Since olives are also so rich in antioxidant protections, they are able to neutralize free radicals that can actually cause many diseases that include cancer. Olives are so portable and convenient to eat, that it makes perfect sense to include them as a weekly snack if you want to enjoy its disease-fighting potential.


5. Weight Control
If you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll definitely want to include plenty of olives in your diet. First, olives contain healthy fats that your body needs, so they aren’t likely to detract from your weight loss goals. With their rich fiber content, olives can make you feel fuller between meals so you’re less likely to reach for a non-healthy snack. Researchers have even suggested that olives, with their monounsaturated fats, can actually induce weight loss. Studies demonstrate that people who snack on olives have, on average, been able to reduce their intake by 200 calories. Delicious and healthy, olives will form a reliable part of your weight loss diet.


6. Good for Your Skin
For centuries, women have sworn by the power of olives to enhance skin health. Many people continue to rely on olives to ward off skin wrinkles. It’s even possible that olives can ward off some skin diseases with their powerful protections. Researchers suggest that it’s the vitamin E, copper, iron, and fiber that help make olives such a potent skin protectant. If you want to keep your skin feeling smooth and supple, be sure to add more olives to your weekly diet. You can gain these skin protections by eating olives or adding olive oil to food preparations or your salad dressing.


7. Rich in Antioxidants
Olives are rich in antioxidant protections. Antioxidants are important combatants of free radicals. Free radicals form as a result of normal cellular processes, but their numbers can increase in our bodies with exposure to pollution, cigarette smoke, and other commonplace toxins in the environment. These free radicals are unwanted molecules that can affect healthy cells, even causing them to mutate. Cellular damage can be a precursor to many diseases. By reducing free radicals in the body, antioxidants can help protect health. Olives also offer protection from some bacteria that could cause stomach infection, making their disease-fighting properties something we shouldn’t ignore.


8. Good for Digestion
Olives can supply as much as 20% of your daily need for fiber, which makes them an outstanding aid for digestion. In fact, just a single cup can provide this delicious health benefit. Fiber is vital for digestive and gastrointestinal health. Fiber stimulates the digestive tract and promotes regularity. Olives can even help reduce the risk for gallstone formation. To keep your digestive tract running smoothing, consider eating a cup of olives a couple times each week. You can add black olives, for example, to your salad or eat them alone as a snack between meals.


9. Help for Seasonal Allergies
If you suffer from seasonal allergies like hay fever, you should stockpile olives and snack on them throughout late summer and fall when hay fever strikes. Olives contain compounds that actually block receptor sites for histamines, which trigger your bouts of sneezing and itchy eyes. In this respect, olives function like anti-histamines. While they may not block all of your seasonal allergy attacks, there is research that suggests it can reduce the number and possibly the intensity of your seasonal allergy attacks. Because olives are famously known to provide so many other benefits, their allergy-fighting properties are sometimes overlooked. If you sneeze through the beautiful autumn season, be sure to include more olives in your diet.


10. Aphrodisiac Potential
The jury is out whether or not certain foods are actually aphrodisiacs in the classic sense of the world, but scientists have been able to confirm that many types of foods to benefit aspects of sex. Olives have been associated with male virility for centuries. Researchers suggest that olives may have their reputation as aphrodisiacs because their rich antioxidant content and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have the ability to increase blood flow and hormone production. This could, indeed, enhance sexual performance and mood. If you’re looking for foods with natural aphrodisiac potential, you should note that olives frequently make top-ten lists of potent aphrodisiacs.


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Monday, December 2, 2019

Roasted Nuts - Naturapack Foods Inc.

BUY IN THE USA - Roasted Pistachios & Roasted Cashews

BUY NOW IN CANADA - Roasted Pistachios

BUY NOW IN CANADA - Roasted Cashews

Naturapack Foods Inc. is a family-owned company established in 2010 in Vancouver, BC. They specialize in Healthy Snacks; such as Roasted Nuts, Seeds, Dried Fruits, Beans, etc. in both bulk and packaged format under the brand name “ A Good Portion”.

Their high-volume infrastructure allows us to serve both independent grocery stores and large chain stores across Canada with high-quality products at an affordable price.

They are committed to using premium quality ingredients in their unique recipes. They put their hearts and souls in “A Good Portion” as they believe in making the world a better place.

A Vancouver, Canada based company, dedicated to bringing delightful, healthy and high-quality products to you and your family!

A Good Portion Nuts and Dried Fruits are the Ideal healthy snack to enjoy at home, work or on-the-go.

Oil-free dry roast with premium natural spices results in a crisp and mouth-watering delight.

Cashews are in 5 different flavours of Sea-Salt, Lime, Chili-Lime, Pepper, and Jalapeno

All of our products are Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten-free, Peanut-free, and Kosher

Stand up resealable packaging in Canada, ensures easy storage and longer shelf life

Product currently available at major Canadian Stores, as well as

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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Vegan Makeup Brush Set and Travel Case - Evalina Beauty

Founder of Evalina Beauty:

President and founder Samantha Legge created Evalina Beauty with the mission of celebrating and uplifting women for who they are, as they are, in every role they play.

The very essence of Evalina Beauty is to give you the confidence to be your authentic self—no matter where life takes you. From dropping off the kids at school to making a presentation in the boardroom to glamming up for an evening out, Samantha believes that quality makeup should complement you in your day-to-day life—because you are already beautiful.

Designed in Canada, Evalina Beauty is committed to providing you with a line of cosmetics that doesn't compromise when it comes to quality—with colours you'll love and products you can trust. Each of our products is paraben-free, cruelty-free, and designed to feel lightweight—it's not about covering up—it's all about bringing out your natural beauty.

And when you make a purchase from Evalina Beauty, you'll feel beautiful on the inside too, as a portion of all proceeds are donated to charities supporting women and children in need.

A premium set of vegan makeup brushes with a beautiful travel case.

Kit includes:

1) Buffing Foundation Brush:
Use this brush to apply foundation and concealer for a smooth, flawless finish.

2) Highlighter Brush:
Use this brush with highlighting powder on your cheekbones, forehead, and nose.

3) Blush / Contour brush:
This tapered brush delivers a smooth and precise application and easy blending for your blush and contour.

4) Crease Brush:
Tapered blending brushes like this are a must-have. The dense bristles are ideal for detailing along the lash line top and bottom and for the crease.

5) Eyeshadow Brush:
This large eyeshadow brush will give you full coverage. Use it to apply the perfect base on your eyelids, and then to blend harsh edges as you go.

6) Eye Liner Brush:
The fine, tapered point fits perfectly along your lash line. Use it with gel or shadow.

7) Eyebrow Brush:
This longer tapered brush works great for all brow shapes.

8) Flat Concealer Brush:
Designed with flat tapered bristles in order to best move creamy product in the delicate under eye area.

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